colluctation - the definitions
choose one:

a) lit. ‘locked together’, used to describe the doctrinal debates when Anglican bishops were unable to reach agreement
b) [deleted]
c) a subcutaneous deposit of collagen
d) [deleted]
e) [theatre] the best possible combination of lights to express a particular mood in a theatrical piece
f) the staining which occurs on the inside of clerical collars
g) wrestling or struggling together; strife, conflict, opposition
h) a group of small sea creatures
i) the act of combining dissimilar metals into an alloy
j) mourning together; mutual sorrow
k) the constant eruption of archetypes into personal consciousness from the Collective Unconscious as per Carl Jung
l) the act of square-dance calling

1. the players are Bingley, paulb, Geoff, wwh, Sparteye, Flatlander, maverick, jimthedog, WhitmanO'Neill and Fiberbabe (with a guest appearance by the moderator)
2. Geoff and wwh flirted with the true meaning, although their respective definitions weren't really near each other -- in the interest of the game I'm deleting their entries and awarding each 1.5 points. there's a lesson here somewhere.... (unfortunately, there is only one court of appeals: that would be me)
3. maverick flirted with out-and-out disqualification by submitting three(3) definitions. instead of that, I picked one, but just see if he gets any points.
4. as a result of all of the above, we have ten (10) contesting definitions.

voting may commence and the polls will remain open for forty-eight(48) hours, or until the supreme court (me again) rules elsewise. remember, anyone can vote -- more points for the players!