ALthough I'm nOt the One B96 was taLking abOut (I dOn't use ICQ)

Kev, yOu're a nut =)

it took me a minute to figure out what ICQ had to do with any of this, but in rereading my post i saw that i'd used the acronym "IIRC", which is quite similar to IRC. what i was trying to say was "if i recall correctly". i'm also prone toward AAMOF (as a matter of fact), OTOH (on the other hand), FWIW (for what it's worth), BTW (by the way), LOL (laughing out loud) hi K, and IRL (in real life) hi C. most of the online briefspeak is quite irritating to me (stuff like CUL8R and NE1), but when in a rush there are a few that come in handy.

if anyone cares to check out a more complete list of common chat abbreviations, there's a fairly comprehensive one at

oh, and then there's MM