is it just me, or...

how do you think max made it to pooh-bah status so fast

And so it begins. The Pooh-Bahs will now turn on each other in a mutually self-destuctive orgy of incrimination and recrimination, for the entertainment of all. Bring your knitting, ladies, and be sure to get the seats closest to the guillotine.

On a somewhat related note, I must confess that my April Fool's stunt did boost me by the equivalent, at my normal posting average, of a fortnight or so, so the mean Minnesotan's query is not entirely baseless.
To paraphrase Will, "he that filches from me my good name steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands;[slinking off guiltily e]