Re: envy, by definition, necessarily the desire to *take* something from another? atomica defines it as "A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another."

I think the bolded words make the difference-- I could look at someone (and I have) and envy something they have (most notable intangable skills--) and let it eat at me-- cause me to discontent and resentment--

or I could look as some one, and desire something they have-- and use it as spur to improve myself--(as I have learned to do)

I see the first as a sin-- (and don't we all know people, who no matter what they have, are always crying "unfair, I don't have it. why can't I have it, too?"

To combat envy-- i try to emulate those i envy-- To recognize-- I don't have to resent or be discontented.. I can, if i want, be as poised, or as what ever..

To envy is, to some degree, to negate ones self-- an act of self destruction.. If I envy someones beautiful (singing) voice.. It doesn't help me sing any better-- and keeps me from being the best i can be.. (I am the perfect example of how bad a person can sing-- but I sing non the less-- I enjoy the sound of my voice-- even if no one else does!)