This post is made with much trepidation, and if it gives any offence, I beg pardon. Over the last few months, I have been using a new word-processor called Atlantis for around 90% of my limited needs. The reason I mention it here is that it features a quite astonishing range of plug-in spell-checkers, all of which can be loaded at one time. I was prompted to post this by the recent thread on "compactified", as Atlantis now offers a 24,500 word spell-check dictionary with words from "cellular, marine, and molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, zoology, botany, and environmental science." It also features a 135,00 word medical spell-check dictionary, and one that I had a small part in crafting. I have no financial interest in the company (based in the Ukraine, I think) but if anyone is looking for a small, fast, and light word-processor, by all means check out [/end shill]