This thread reminds me the following quote
He who would travel happily must travel light.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

I collect quotes having to do with travel and this one will be a lovely addition. It reminds me an article I read on a plane some years ago in an inflight magazine, The American Airlines Flight Magazine, October 2, 1996. I would like to share it with you.

"The principle is the presence of absence, the philosophy is less is more, the goal is minimal living and peace.
Man's desire for freedom that comes with order and calm has existed throughout history.
However much they covet or collect material things, people are sympathetic to the idea of travelling light.
By paring down --"travelling light"--we create something better and stronger. When something cannot be improved upon by subtracting from it, when a thing has been reduced to its essential, there is the perfection of minimum. And the beauty of simplicity.
And that is the beauty we need not be ashamed to be preoccupied with. It's been the preoccupation of philosophers and spritual leaders for centuries. And it's a recurring ideal shared by many cultures, all looking for liberation from the dead weight of an excess in possessions.
Disciplining that impulse to clutter our lives offers the hope of selflessness, unworldliness, and tranquility. It offers a chance to be in touch with the essence of existence rather than the distractions of the trivial--a chance, in other words, to be free.

Thoughts of John Pawson, a minimalist architect
