I don't like to bring a lot of luggage anywhere, which works out fine as long as i'm going someplace tropical. my carryon always contains a puzzle book and a pen (hi, F-babe!), whatever novel i'm reading at the time (for my trip last weekend it was Guns Germs & Steel and Professor & The Madman, which i left too close to the rising tide while i took off on a wakeboarding expedition, so it's now two inches thick and showing signs of mold ), a spare bikini in case my luggage is lost (i guess that's kinda like Anna's knickers), a box of altoids (which i compulsively chew) and a pack of gum (which i NEVER chew, b/c i think it makes people look like cows, but i use it if i can't clear my ears during takeoffs and landings). i don't carry a purse at all; i just have a little tiny zippered pouch that's attached to my keys where i keep cash, my driver's license, ATM card and a credit card or two (at the moment these are all lost, since my sons enjoy playing with my keys) and a tube of lip gloss.

i always bring a journal to record memories of my trip, mostly the things that made me laugh, or a sketch or two of a scene i don't want to forget.