I like these:

Are the pope and his clone both infallible? What if they disagree
about something?

Can you clone Alan Greenspan, or does it have to be LIVING tissue?

If Larry King clones himself and interviews himself on his show,
wouldn't that pretty much make nuclear war something we could all look
forward to?

If I have sex with my clone, will I go blind?

If the DNA from the bloody glove were cloned and produced a baby O.J.
Simpson, then could we maybe get an actual guilty verdict?

If Hare Krishnas start cloning themselves, how will the rest of us
find out?

If you cloned Henry IV, would he be Henry V or Henry IV Jr. or wait,
Henry IV part II?

If Michael Jackson is cloned, is it against the law for him to play
with himself as a child?

If I have sex with my clone, will I go blind?