when one starts creating verbs without any hint of why it's necessary and with no definition, then it just leads to opacitationalization, doesn't it?

They're not talking to us. They're talking to each other. If they know what they're talking about, let them talk any way they please. If you have to take four years worth of courses just to understand the concept they're talking about and then lose a handle on it because you're not involved in it on a day to day basis then the least you can do is let them have their own vocabulary.

As for MaxQ's incisive quote, to wit: Let's be straight here. If we find something we can't understand we like to call it something you can't understand, or indeed pronounce.

This is a very good attitude to have with respect to any myth. If we make a myth too simple we might start to thinking that we understand what's going on. The myth is nothing more than a handle that allows us to relate to an imperfectly understood Reality. If we start thinking that it is understandable we start to thinking that it is the Truth and that anyone who doesn't understand that Truth is somehow of a lower class and therefore to be despised.

And we wouldn't want that, now would we?