Magdalene college pronounced Mawdlin at Oxford not Cambridge

My son and daughter went to Cambridge and Oxford respectively, though neither to Magdelen, Oxford or MagdalenE, Cambridge and I believe both are pronounced Maudlin. Condensed from the Cambridge Magdalene website:
One of the Benedictine abbeys involved in the College, Walden, came into the possession of Thomas, Lord Audley as a consequence of the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Having thus acquired Audley End, the Garter and his peerage, he then re-founded Buckingham College as the College of St Mary Magdalene in 1542. The dedication probably attracted him as providing a pun on his own name, since the usual contemporary pronunciation of Magdalene(e) was then ‘maudlyn’ (as it still is here);

Interestingly, the Magdalen Oxford website gives no clues on pronunciation, presumably as a first test of admission elegibility! However various Oxford tourist guides state:
Magdalen College, (it should be pronounced "Maudlin") is another of Oxford's most famous University Colleges

Are there other wierd examples of Britspeak
Doesn't sound at all wierd to me so I probably won't notice any.
