I see the Britboy is ignoring his harrumph...
[raised-eyebrow warning e] at the Zildene-ess.

Oh! I'm sorry, Jackie. Was that peculiar noise** you? I thought you were far too ladylike to do things like that!

And I am (slowly) planning a holiday in the Antipodes (well they are to us!) Is 40 days and 40 nights about right for the Zildeness?

And talking of peculiar noises and ladies (well I was anyway) - A society hostess was suffering (as were her guests secondhand) a violent attack of flatulence at a dinner party. Every time she made a noise she stared disapprovingly at the butler, attempting to deceive her guests into think it was he who was the offender. Eventually she let out a conversation stopper, and turning round to the butler, said "Stop that at once, Jeeves!". To which the butler replied "Certainly, Madam. Which way did it go?".
