took me a while to dig this out again:
ADFENESTRATE ad finis trait verb "to sneak through a window" (Koster). Compare antonym DEFENESTRATE Two hours before dawn members of the Acción Dinámica adfenestrated themselves into the palace. Koster, The Prince, p. 32. from Pete Saussy's LOGODAEDALIAN'S Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Words

I subsequently used adfenestration as a wwftd; now as it happens, Pete is on my subscription list and he forwards the mailings to several interested parties, one of which is Mr. Koster. the following exchange of e-mails ensued (word cafefully chosen for punish quotient):

>> Pete,
>> That's my word, but unless someone else has been using it, it only exists
>> as a verb.
>> Best,
>> Dick Koster
>> At 01:23 PM 12/3/98 -0500, you wrote:
>> >think "not Prague"
>> >
>> >the worthless word for the day is: adfenestration
>> >
>> >choose one:
>> > a) the arrangement, proportioning, and design of windows/doors in a =
>> building
>> > b) a throwing of a person or thing out of a window
>> > c) the (surreptitious?) act of entering through a window
>> >
>> > -tsuwm
>Mr. Koster,
>well, consider your verb to have been "nouned"; I wanted to pair it up
>with defenestration. here's my lawyer's address:
>p.s. - as the owner of this word, perhaps you could enlighten me as to
> the "surreptitious" element is implied.
Mr. Fischer,

The context is as follows: Circa 1930, an ambitious fellow is invited to a
soiree at the presidential palace in the Republic of Tinieblas. He wanders
off and unlocks a window. Around 4:00 a.m. he and a bunch of resolutes he
has sharked up adfenestrate themselves into the building and expell the

R.M. Koster

P.S. My attorneys, Paine and Durance, eat attorneys like yours for breakfast.