Defenestration of Prague: That was how I first heard of the word. I thought it refered to the "taking out of windows", probably as a response to a Window Tax as UK had. Only later did I learn the true story.

There have actually been several defenestrations in Prague. The "First" was in about 1420 when 5 or so guys got thrown out and killed. The "Second" was in about 1620 when some Bohemian (as opposed to bohemian) nobles threw the Hapsburg Emperor's representatives out of the window of the castle in Prague (Hradcny ? may have spelt that wrong). They weren't hurt apparently but the Emperor was upset and the 30 Years War ensued (1620-1650ish).

There have been other defenestrations in Prague since then but usually on an individual basis and claimed as suicide by the authorities.
