In US this is Jepardy-- it been on for years, It has a matrix-- top row is topics, columns increase in difficulty as you go down. The pace is fast-- but the host is amiable.. currently its Alex Trevek-- a canadian transplant- who is alwasy slightly disparaging of Cananda-- recently, a canadian airline has been a paid sponser-- and it advertizes it flies to 11 major canadian cities.. Alex mused outloud-- "are there 11 cities in canada, let alone 11 major cities?" (that should not have quotes--- since it is not exactly what he said-- but just close)

As for Weakest link-- the host almost never is directly rude-- She asks "who was lousy then, and is lousy now? Who is holding you back?" She did ask an accountant-- who got a financial question wrong--"Remind me-- what is it you do?" And the Movie studio tour guide got called to task for not knowing who won 1999 best picture emmy-- but nothing was said about the tour guides guess of 20% of $180 dollars being $60! She doesn't expect a tour guide to be good at fast math-- but does expect an accountant to have general knowledge about finances..and a movie industry employee to know about movies. fair enough.