Avy-- do tell us more about Mahabharata-- there was, almost 10 years ago a wonderful 10 hour production on PBS of the Mahabharata-- until that time, i had know very little about (i don't want to say it---(vedas?) there is a term for the epic poems/legends of india-- ) and to be honest, i still know almost nothing-- i wish they would rebroadcast it. Most of the Indian television in NY is "the indian movie channel" with hours of the big, brash, musical movies that are at once popular, and mocked. Most don't have subtitles, so i just flip by them.

I remember very little of the Mahabharata-- (there were some many new idea, concepts, people--) It was about an epic battle, and one side could have all the resources in the world-- and the other could have Vishnu-- a wise, but gentle god for council... and of course, in the end the good guys won. (4000 lines of poetry in a nutshell--in the same way the Iliad is about a pretty girl that get fought over-- for years, by thousand.)