Knowing that our Ms. A. is quite busy, I shall step into the breach:

The difference between a hissie fit and a conniption fitA hissy fit is much milder, and is usually gone into over something petty, such as a certain Zilder sneaking in a post while I 'uz still typin' mine. But sometimes conniptions are thrown over something that's only worth a hissy. I take a conniption fit if my access to the
internet goes down.

Pretty much how many fish make up a mess8 to 13

What general direction cattywumpus issideways for

How long "directly" is---As in "Going to town, be back directly."That's "treckly", or "t'reckly": whenever I get good and ready.

That "gimme sugar" don't mean pass the sugar
Nuh-uh--that's gimme a kiss, Sweetcakes!

When "by and by" isDepends on the subject matter.
If you're talkin' about, say, when the next meal will be
ready or when the mail delivery is expected, by and by means sometime today. If you're talkin' about when you expect the next rain or visit from Aunt Martha (often indistinguishable from each other), it could be several weeks.

How to handle their "pot likker"No problem, it's just the cabbage water.

Long sleeved shirts should always be rolled up past the elbowWell, yeah. 'Lessen you're headin' to the dance.

The best gesture of solace for a neighbor who's got trouble is a plate of
cold potato salad
Yup--we don't hold no truck with that slimy warm stuff. German "potato salad" doesn't even deserve the name.

The difference between "pert nigh" and "a right fur piece"Well, now, this one orter be obvious! Except
pert nigh isn't restricted to distance. If it's pert nigh on to noon, it's about dinnertime.

The differences between a redneck, a good ol' boy, and po' white trashA redneck wears a plaid shirt, has a weird haircut, and is invariably Republican. A good ol' boy can be of either party, and makes his or her way along by who they know, not what they do. Poor white trash will vote for whichever party will increase welfare benefits.

Don't assume the car with the flashing turn signal is actually going to turn 'Course not! They've prob'ly got the radio up so loud they can't hear the click--click.

Never to go snipe hunting twiceNope--fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.