Especially for AnnaS, apologies if this a YART

~Things a True Southerner Knows~

The difference between a hissie fit and a conniption fit

Pretty much how many fish make up a mess

What general direction cattywumpus is

How long "directly" is---As in "Going to town, be back directly."

That "gimme sugar" don't mean pass the sugar

When "by and by" is

How to handle their "pot likker"

Long sleeved shirts should always be rolled up past the elbow

The best gesture of solace for a neighbor who's got trouble is a plate of
cold potato salad

The difference between "pert nigh" and "a right fur piece"

The differences between a redneck, a good ol' boy, and po' white trash

Don't assume the car with the flashing turn signal is actually going to turn

Never to go snipe hunting twice