I think there is a lot of overlap in feelings- if i make a mistake-- and get caught-- i am liable to blush-- I feel embarrassed-- but later if i relate what happened-- I can again feel the same "mortification" and blush all over again-- and even if i don't blush externally-- my internal feelings are very similar-- my memory of being embarrassed is very close to actually being embarrassed.

Thinking about a strong physical sensation can bring back the such a strong memory-- you do "feel" the sensation all over again-- Maybe not with the same intensity-- but-- if you have ever cut any of your fingers severely with a knife (i have)-- when I read Bob (BYB's) post about his cutting his finger-- i reacted by curling in the finger I had cut--(index in my case) and "Protecting" it-- I remember the pain-- and I don't want to feel it again