I'm answering this before reading any other responses, so that it is my own, uncoloured by any other.

My reaction to "Indian" is very mixed, because it has meant so many different things over the years.

When I was a child, the word was inextricably linked to "Cowboy", and that is still the first image that comes to mind - however, as I lived near to Southall until I was a young adult, the word also brings at almost the same time, the image of men wearing turbans (Sikh and you shall find, as they say!)
Most of the Indians that I have known as friends or colleagues have been either professional men or business acquaintances, so have been educated and cultured.
(BTW, some of them have been from Pakistan, rather than India, but my early conditioning has caused me to lump them all together. Partly, I suppose, because the word "Pakistani" - or Paki - has such adverse connotations in most peoples minds)

Hope this is of use to you!