My reaction: ambiguous-- how is this word being used? Is there really such a thing as an Indian? (Well, there are millions of citizens of the country India–I suppose I would call them Indian!)

My response: Well it could refer to an American Indian--or could be someone from the Indian sub-continent-- and even then its not a good word--I am not a European American-- i am Irish American--
Indian is too vague-- are they Pakistani? or Bengali? Hindu? Muslim? from Bangladeshi? (And while Pakistani's and Bangladeshi's might not consider themselves to be INDIAN– they are from the indian subcontinent– Like "american" which tend to refer to citizens of the US– but technically speaking– American can be anyone from the americas– both north and south!)
or are they North American Indian?-- Shoshone? Mohawk? what nation?
or South American-- i recognize name of some to some American groups-- but I can't name any....

Indian is such a vague a word–it's hard to react to it.