As long as you follow the advice given to NEVER open any attachments without scanning them for viruses first, Outlook/Express is OK. A good practice to get into these days, with so many worms propagating themselves from Outlook/Express address books is to email the sender of an attachment, if the apparent sender someone you know, and confirm that they sent it to you intentionally, if they did not, it probably means that their address book has been compromised by a worm, like "I Love You" or "Anna Kournikova" . If it's from someone you don't know, don't open it. Outlook/Express is a security joke, it was never designed with security in mind, and its position as de facto standard is why so many viruses and worms are written to exploit its legion of security holes. A healthy dose of paranoia will ensure that using that bloated email client does not cause you too much grief.