Hey, bridget, you're a Chosen One!

Wherever you go, you leave a trail of rose petals in your wake. well, i *do* love wakeboarding You may even have been Gandhi in a former life which explains why i'm always barefoot. Warm, giving, knowing, and patient, people try to get mad at you, but they feel terrible about it later. with the notable exception of my husband, who easily overcomes this obstacle As a child, you easily could have convinced your entire class to stage a sit-in against the math teacher, but you're too sweet. that's me.. sugar and spice Perky and armed with tons of self-confidence, you're not afraid to actively pursue your goals and dreams. yes, i'll be sure to let you all know when britney picks me for her backup dance squad

As if all that weren't enough, you pretty much set the standard for emotional health. You practically ooze positive feelings and energy. You don't worry about minor faults faults? i have faults? but recognize both your strengths and weaknesses. Your generally upbeat mood means it takes a lot to really bring you downmuch to the chagrin of the world's doomsayers, who simply think i'm immature. And you're no fair-weather friend. You care about people, and you see them through the good times and bad. yes, i think both of my friends would agree to this

At work, you're very reliable and responsibleso why, then, have i been fired from every job i've ever had, including the time i married the boss?. You bring in baked goods for your co-workers and always return phone calls (even to telemarketers)oh, dear...that's minus a gazillion points. i never, *ever* answer the phone. ever.. You'd be a great person in an emergency. Plus, you're really excited about your work (go, team!)that's Go CARDINAL to you, bub, and your personal commitment to finishing what you start means you're a great leader. So get out there and do the world some good mmhmm...riiiiiight