I, apparently, am Bingley:

Hey, Max, you're a Critic!

You're complex and thoughtful. You look beneath the surface My desk has a surface?I haven't seen it in months. You're good at chessThe term "fool's mate" was coined with me in mind (or would be if you played). Pondering deep thoughtsi.e., where'd I leave the corn chips? sounds better to you than going out on the town. But you can be so critical and introspective that even positive qualities can seem like faults. The truth is that you have a very perceptive, gentle spirit. Perceptive? Moi? Not likely!

You carry quite a few burdens on those little shoulders of yours. Sometimes the world seems so gloomy that you just want to crawl up in your cozy bed and sleep it off.Gee, that sounds so much better than, "you're a bone idle, hopelessly lazy SOB" That shy nature of yours means you like to be alone watching romantic comedies, preferably ones starring Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. Well, I do like The Notting Hillbillies, does that count?Chances are you hate arguing and other tense situations, which can leave you feeling helpless and confused Score 1, they make me physically ill.
You hate chaos at work and prefer a structured environment. Score 2,
You avoid co-workers who talk loudly or brandish sharp objects. Sometimes you feel undervalued by your boss, but everyone notices your motivation and talent. Ha!! Motivation is the one thing I have even less of than talent, Score -1 zillion