PRONUNCIATION: (IN-suh-flayt, in-SUHF-layt)

MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To blow or breathe into.
2. To treat by blowing air, gas, vapor, or powder into a body cavity.
3. To bless by breathing or blowing on baptismal water or a person.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin insufflare (to blow upon), from in- (into) + sufflare (to inflate), from suf- (sub-) + flare (to blow). Earliest documented use: 1670.

INSNUFFLATE - one of the earlier forms of tobacco use (through the nose*)

INSUFOLATE - a combination treatment for diabetes and prevention of spina bifida

INSHUFFLATE - a fancy dance move, though not yet popular among teens and young adults

*(The region of the back of the hand at the base of the thumb, defined by two tendons made prominent by extending the thumb upward, is called the "anatomical snuffbox". YCLIU.)