PRONUNCIATION: (adj.: KON-suh-muht, kuhn-SUH-muht; verb: KON-suh-mayt)

MEANING: adjective: 1. Complete or perfect.
2. Highly accomplished or skilled.
verb tr.: 1. To finish, complete, or make perfect.
2. To make a marital or other romantic union complete by having sex.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin consummatus (brought to completion), past participle of consummare (to complete or sum), from con- (together) + summa (sum). Earliest documented use: 1447.

COSUMMATE - two people add up the same column of numbers and get the same answer

CONSUME, ATE - present and simple-past tenses of the fuzzy verb "to ingest"

CONSUME MATE - what a female praying mantis often does after copulation