MEANING: interjection: Used to express surprise, anger, irritation, annoyance, etc.
noun: Damnation; hell.
adjective: Damned.
adverb: Damnably.

ETYMOLOGY: Alteration of darnation (influenced by tarnal) which itself is a euphemism for damnation, from Latin damnare (to condemn), from damnum (damage). Earliest documented use: 1790.

USAGE: “Speaking of ignorance, what in tarnation is going on with the Miss USA pageant?”
Dianne Williamson; It’s Kind of a Wacky Li’l World; Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, Massachusetts); Jun 10, 2012.

TEAR NATION - when a country becomes when everyone has a ripping good time

TAR NOTION - Br'er Fox's idea of how to catch Br'er Rabbit with a baby doll

TARNATHON - twenty-four solid hours of people taking tarns