[tsuwm] >so, out of 2230 registered users, only 30 (not allowing for regulars who were otherwise occupied) felt connected enough to add to the anniversary thread. is there a problem therein, or is that the best core you can hope for in this sort of venue? (any lurkers who would like to chime in?)

I blush to say that I am one of the late well-wishers and (MaxQ "is the problem therein". When I saw his very colorful opening salvo, I wanted some colors, too. But I did not know how to use the markup in your posts feature ( I'm still a stranger, you see)and there's the rub. So while everyone was busy sending in their greetings, I was working hard on "coloring". (Sparteye I hope you are looking at this post.) In addition, "I lost a thread" so I was looking for that, too. With the able help of wwh I was able to find that thread, but by then it was midnight and I was already very sleepy......
