>I have heard that native German speakers find American accented German attractive
Well, I wouldn't go that far Sparteye. Many Germans find AE easier to understand due to the kultural imperialism ;-)

>...owe a great debt to the speech of African Americans
This is of course true of the majority of popular AE slang too

>most Australian's I know find the South African accent the most unlikeable
I doubt this it's just the Aussies. Don't think I've ever heard ANYONE mention that they really like the Söth Äfrikn eckznt! As for Aussies not liking the Kiwi accent or vice versa; well (at the risk of being brazenly informed I'm wrong again), I think it's a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. Try Europe, ..where you drive 20 km, and apparently speak the same language, but at the same time can barely understand a word!! ... that gives gives you a different spin on things.
The NZ and Oz accents are rather similar, unless of course one is cooped up in dialectal monotony, a dearth of pronunciational variation ;-)

[holding a flag with no colours]