Names for musical keys

What is also interesting are the different methods of naming the keys in music. The same system is used, so far as I know, by all English-speaking musicians, but the French/Spanish/Italian systems and the German system are different.

For instance, b-minor is called H-moll in German. What we call B is H in German and the German B is what we call B-flat. Thus, the tune B-A-C-H is actually what we call B-flat, A,C,B. A-major in German is A-dur. moll has the meaning "soft", dur, "hard".

In the Romance languages, the key names go by the tones of the scale, and are either "majeure" or "minuere" (in French -- Spanish and Italian have corresponding names). They begin with C, which is "ut", then D = "re", followed by "mi", "fa", "sol", "la", and "si". Thus, c-min. is "ut mineure", E-maj. is "mi majeure". I forget what they do with the keys incorporating sharps & flats, like F-Sharp-maj or B-flat-maj.