Every piece of writing sounds better in its original language, it seems. If you translated, let's say, "The BFG",by Roald Dahl, Into Spanish or French, it would wetten the story because the main joke relies on the fact that the Giant speaks garbled English. I know, you can make him speak poorly in other languages, too, but the jokes within this don't hold in other languages. For example, I don't believe that Being and bean sound the same in Spanish like they do in English. Now on to songs and poetry. Well written ones don't sound like they should, espescially if they rely on rhyme. And Asian languages are so different that it is hard to even find a translation scholars agree on. I'm not saying translating from English to whatever other language is the only problem. I always liked the sound of the full title of Don Quixote in Spanish than in English, even though I can never remember what it is .
