Baltimore speech as noted in Slanguage
A good bit right on, but the following not correct:

It's not "bulled egg", it's more like "bowled"

I have never heard the following: "avalanche" thru "AssX", "looney yum fool" thru "dug", "elfin", "balled ham" (as noted above that would be "bowled ham", "share".

"Hollandtown" (Highlandtown) is actually pronounced "Hollintown", just as Highland Avenue is "Hollin" Avenue. This makes for a lot of difficulties between cab drivers and tourists who want to see H.L. Mencken's house on Hollins Street (which is a totally different street on the opposite side of the city.)

"Droodle" is correct for Druid Hill (Park or Avenue), but not "pork" for "park".

Then there are lots of omissions, among my favorites:
"The payment is front of the house is made of seement."
"The far men rode the far engine to the far house."
and a favorite of housewives, "I'm so tarred from arnen' the laundry all day."