Bill, there are certain things that are quite difficult to discuss, either privately or publicly. You cannot know how hard it was for me to write that note last night. I did not want to be misinterpreted, to sound bigoted or biased.

People stuck in a war are often blind to the suffering of the 'other side' because, lets face it, there is so much suffering on their own side. In war, people only see the forest, not the trees. I was afraid that sending a personal note would have made me seem like I was discounting her feelings or telling her she is wrong to feel that way. That is not my place; that is between her and her God.

What I was trying to do was to let her know that the Board is not the place to broadcast those feelings without attacking her belief that she is right to feel that way. The Board is not the place for those discussions.

We are all here because of our basic love of Words. It is a place for friends to meet, to discuss and to generally have a lot of fun. I do not want to lose any members. I enjoy everybody who joins. I love hearing new voices. It makes this place wonderful.