Dear wow: thanks for asking. A carbuncle is a group of interconnecting abscesses. I've only seen a couple, and they were on the back of the neck. Righteously avoiding making an unfair number of posts, a wen is a sebaceous cyst on the scalp, usually not inflamed. I have heard some people call unpigmented small warts wens. Papular means a small elevation of several different types (papular=like a little tit) . Some kinds of skin rashes are called macular when just red spot, and maculo-papular when some of the red spots are elevated.
What I know about dermatology could be writ on the back of a postage stamp with a broad crayon.I remember getting a poor grade when examiner asked me about rhinophyma, the kind of schnozzola W.C.Fields had. All I could remember was that J.P.Morgan had it, which the examiner was not impressed by.