I've read Air America and some of the things related in it were pretty odd. It was purportedly "non-fiction", but I think that its author (who from memory was a British journalist) was told some fairly resounding tarradiddles. The movie of the same name was utter rubbish IMHO.

One bit rang true, however. Shortly after the end of the war when the North Vietnamese Army had invaded Cambodia, the author was in a taxi travelling from Bangkok airport into the city. He asked the taxi driver if he was worried that the NVA might not stop at the Cambodian border, to which the taxi driver replied that he wasn't worried by that possiblity at all, since the NVA couldn't possibly cope with Bangkok rush-hour traffic.

For a Catch-22-like book on Vietnam, I suggest you read Brandywine's War (again, forget the author's name), although it isn't a patch on Catch-22 itself.

The idiot also known as Capfka ...