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May God in His infinite wisdom keep you safe.

Jackie - thanks. HE does - Baruch HaShem (Blessings on The Name).

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"Southern Hebrew" = Sfardi?

AnnaStropic - that was an interesting guess - actually, I'm originally from North Carolina (sometimes pronounced Nawth Care-liiiiiiiina), so when I speak Hebrew, I obviously don't sound like I'm from Israel - thus, I usually follow up whatever I say with the comment that I speak "southern Hebrew" (btw - I say the same about the two words of Russian I know).

Keep those cards and letters a'comin' - did y'all hear yet that we had another bomb attack this morning - in Netanya (north of Tel Aviv on the coast) - one guy, tried to get on a city bus, was denied, blew himself up - two Israelis died at the scene, one more (so far) on the operating table - one more in critical condition in hospital and about 55+ wounded. AND LIFE (such as it is) GOES ON...

So - you can see why I NEED this board! Thanks to you all for your ongoing WORDS!


suzanne pomeranz, tourism consultant jerusalem, israel -