Do you think many of the folks who took scattershots at English today will stick around when they see what we're about?

Perhaps they have been around but never posted anything before. I tend to think of this board as an insular little community, but it obviously can't be since it has over 2000 members. Which brings up one of my own ruminations...what do all of those non-participating members do with the board? Do they read it but not post, look at it every once in a while, or perhaps forget that they ever signed up at all? In the (admittedly short) time that I've been here, I've only seen about 35-40 members post on any regular basis.

Another observation/question-- why did so many of the people responding to "English as a Global Language" create their own threads instead of just adding to Anu's initial post? Perhaps just lack of familiarity with the format...