in your preferences, there are two choices for 'Topic Display Mode': Flat or Threaded.

if you display in Threaded mode, you can see the 'structure' of the forum threads, and thus see which post each new post was in response to; i.e., which post you were reading when you hit the Reply button.

in Flat mode, the posts are simply listed chronologically and sometimes, if there's no context (like, a quote) it's hard to tell what the referent is. in the Title line there is a Re: [user ID], but you can't always trust that because some folks tend to reply to the *bottom post, rather than a specific one. (or two people post at the same time.)

so, in this instance there were posts on movies A, A & B, B and this, "it was so depressing.."

thus: which? it's hard to tell what you refer to in flat mode, without context. (I guessed B, since I've seen that, but don't know its provenance.)

Last edited by tsuwm; 08/16/11 02:02 PM.