Let me try...italics. And bold.

Okay--you can get bold, italics, and I'll guess the underlining, by putting the letter for whichever you want (i, b, u) inside these brackets []. To end them put a /i, /b, /u inside another set of []. I will use the wrong brackets to demonstrate:
if you want {i}italics{/i} it will look like this. But you will have to use the straight brackets, and they have to be facing each other: [[ or ]] won't work.

Hmm--lemme try something else: #6600CC color?
Nope-- That will have to be color:#6600CC inside [], and /color inside the second set. Each color has a different code, unfortunately--almost certainly too much bother.

I think I used the S with a horizontal line through it once. I have never used the S with a diagonal line through it, nor the quote-mark button, nor the pound sign button. I have no idea what they do or how they work. Huh--I've not used the media tag, either--I have no idea what to do with that. The button next to it says List, but I've not felt the need for that either. Oh yeah, the two T buttons--I think one of them changes text size; maybe the other is to change your font; I dunno.

Last edited by Jackie; 05/28/11 01:13 AM.