Hear ye hear ye, the (rather measly number of) daffynitions are here. You maye ass always vote fore whichever onee youe feele moste likeablness fore bye the ende date of nexte friged�g. Happee Huntings

A) A short rope that was used to immobilize the ship's wheel, keeping the ship on course, when the helmsman needed to step away from the wheel

B) n., a gazebo-like structure made popular from the time the wealthy FitzGerald family of Wales built them

C) n. a summons; from the Early Old English period to come to the great mead hall and feast on mead music and poetry

D) Any of a half-dozen species of cliff-dwelling
birds which make their nests on the west coast of Ireland
and Northern Britain. Named for the sound their wings
make while diving for food

E) The unpleasant aftereffects of overindulgence, especially drinking

F) adj. lame in the left leg. From the Cornish weofhit, 'tilted'

----The next sentence is true. The previous sentence is false----