Originally Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu
Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8
Originally Posted By: tsuwm

edit: PROMT is now a registered trademark, picked no doubt because you can't trademark prompt, or any other common word. but it used to be a variant spelling of prompt, in olden days.

I don't respond to arrogance. Put me on "ignore". This
isn't a PM. All can see.

what? I'm not seeing any arrogance.

It refers to a PM I received by someone who put me on
ignore. It referred to the fact that PM's are not private
anyhow,(said the PM), so..... The sender seems to imply that someone had died and he had been made king. I was told my postings are not worth reading. There are those who
are so insecure that they can only get satisfaction by
demeaning others. I am secure in my life, but could not
reply to the PM because of the "ignore" thing. And there
is a logical explanation, but ..... There's the arrogance.

Last edited by LukeJavan8; 03/14/11 03:30 PM.

----please, draw me a sheep----