Sorry it has taken so long t put the results up!

I have been away from my computer for a while are the was fun to follow the comments
toozle begat and I hope you enjoy its true meaning!
A toozle the screw that holds together the two blades of a pair of scissors
[Avy] BranSheaB toozle in Scotland, with golf, when a tee-off goes awry
[LukeJavan8] OwlbowC toozle to pull about, especially applied to any rough dalliance with a female
[True definition Joseph Wrights English Dialect Dictionary 1898-1905] JackieD toozle n., [< Hung. ducel, leaf] a confetti particle with multiple bends applied to induce spinning as it falls
[Aramis] Avy, LukeJavan8E toozle to muss up playfully (var. of tousle)
[wofahulicodoc]F toozle a South African drink made of fermented rooibos, (rooibosch), tea and local herbs
[Owlbow]G toozle Toozle Sticks are small sticks, commonly made of plastic, used to stir mixed drinks or garnish cocktails. The pointed end is designed to skewer fruit and the decorative heads are shaped like palm trees, flamingos and tropical fruits. The toozle portion of the toozle stick name originated from the Caribbean cocktail, Rum Toozle
[Candy] H toozle a small Scottish fipple flute, similar to a penny whistle but usually made of wood
[Faldage] twosleepyI toozle a blacksmith tool used to spread hot coals
[Jackie] Buffalo Shrdlu, wofahulicodoc, ollyJ toozle - vb to persuade someone to do something illegal; n a fraudful deal
[BranShea] FaldageK too-zle v. 1. To dishevel or disarrange, as with hair. Variant of "tousle" [OE]
[twosleepy]L toozle a blend of too and puzzle, meaning: confuse someone again (and again), usually causing even more confusion
[elifit] Candy