What a horrible time for this interesting topic to have come up! I do not have the time or leisure for this, but I cannot resist.

This is how I parse tsu-s's rhyme below:
'You can 'lead a 'horse to 'water 8
But u 'can't 'make him 'drink, 6
'U can 'lead a 'human 'by the 'nose 9
But you 'can't 'make him 'think 6
I 'may be 'lost some'times 5
But 'i don't 'follow 'any'one 8
I'll 'always 'march 'to the 'beat 7
The 'beat of a 'different 'drum 8
-Lower Class Brats

There does not seem consistency in the beat, but the rhyme still works for me because of I think the rhyming, but mostly because it is consistently iambic throughout, except for the last two lines - was that what you meant by march being problematic? But I think the inconsistency in rhythm of the last two lines works. They emulate the rat a tat. I love the dactyl of the last line.

In my op, the worst word meter wise is 'every' - HOG!