>>. Is there a tendency to credit others with less free will than oneself?
Yes, I think there is--and I think that particular aspect comes under a much more generalized category: that we see faults in others quicker than we recognize the same faults in ourselves. Do you know very many people who say they are bad drivers? Thought not. And just think of how many people complain how awful it is when someone monopolizes the conversation, but do the exact same thing themselves.
Though I will say that there have been a couple of times in the U.S. that a teen-ager (usually) states that he or she was influenced by the media into a criminal act. I cannot help but feel that we wouldn't have had so many tragic high-school shooting sprees if it weren't for the news coverage of the earliest ones.
We are all so different in so many ways, but we are all alike, too, in others. This Board is teaching me that people are the same the world over, in wants and needs--never mind the petty differences. Fantastic!!!