Originally Posted By: tsuwm
Originally Posted By: tsuwm
Originally Posted By: Faldage
Originally Posted By: zmjezhd
If you're using the Windows OS, you can enter the (decimal)number on the numpad while holding down the Alt key. Hex 0xB1 = Decimal 177.

And if that doesn't work enter 0177.

which makes no sense at all, for a decimal no. (but that's how I first learned to do it, too.)

okay, so why did I say 0177, as an entry for a decimal no., makes no sense at all? because in programming languages, octal literals are typically identified with a variety of prefixes, including the digit 0. that's why.
(esp. when the decimal number, in context, is extremely ambiguous; i.e. 0177 could be octal or hex or decimal.)

My understanding (completely self-generated, but based on some knowledge of basic computer programming) is that the routine that handles the input is looking for four digits and if it doesn't get them it's not going to work.