Here is a new thread for helpful hints. Please do not clutter it with witty comments

Because of the way AWAD adds posts, it is much easier to read this thread in "flat mode" see icon at the top right of your screen. The beginning of the thread is not in a very useful order if you read it in "threaded mode". If you are in threaded mode you may prefer to read it the following three sections (all at the bottom of the page in threaded mode) before the others:
Using the different forums
Adding a post and using markup in posts
How do I know if a subject has been discussed?

To keep it as clear as possible, please send me a private message with amendments/corrections/additions/useful links, so we can make it as easy as possible for newcomers to work their way through. I have not credited the various contributions made by others in the process of setting up these helpful hints in their relevant sections but I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone, especially Tsuwm, Jackie, Max, AnnaStrophic, WWH, Bridget96, WOW, Bobyoungbalt, Maverick and Bingley for their help and support.

If anyone asks a basic question then you can refer them here by posting the following link:

This thread has been included in the following website: many thanks Max!