Yes, I understand you are a real enthousiast for Esperanto. And I assume also enthousiastic for understanding more than two languages. But any anyone who travels and who really loves languages; the first thing he/she does in foreign countries is try to get at it, if he/she hasn't already taken courses in advance. Then why Esperanto if you can go at it directly?
EU is not against Esperanto. It just sees no point in making it a general issue. I don't believe in an English speaking elite. English is the easiest language to learn for Europeans because it has dropped a number of otherwise tackling grammar issues.
Every (even low level) school obliges English.
I don't know how the language situation in Belgium is now. We had to learn English, French and German up to a serious level.
I know in competitions Belgians score better at correct Dutch than the Dutch in general. I assume you speak French, Flemish, obviously English and Esperanto. Any other language that has you special interest?