Poster: tsuwm
Subject: Re: The "[Q.....]" function

Originally Posted By: dal
Likely I'm missing some vital detail in its manipulation

step one: reply (don't quote!)
step two: copy and paste message from "In response to" block

tsu that's a neat trick. Until today I wasn't even aware of the 'in response to' block

step three: highlite the text you want to reply to and click " button (you should delete any previous text that you didn't quote highlite)
step four: (optional) change {quote} header to {quote=dal*}

If it's optional I'll skip it, anything that simplifies the process

step five: insert your comments after {/quote}
repeat as required...

*or whomever you're quoting!!

Well let's see how it worked

Wow! now I get it in spite of my various senior moments which have so hampered my progress in these matters

When I read your post #188458 my immediate reaction was, why hell that's the way I always used to do it, entailing copy-paste of the original. Trouble was, of course, that approach deprived me of the editing icons so that I had to enter each quotation mark manually

...whereas with your stratagem above they're so readily evoked. Again thank you for your aid and prodigious forbearance
