Originally Posted By: dalehileman
If you never have to deal with it, then by all means don't read the following as it can only depress you. If however you use it a lot but it drives you to distraction as it does me, or if you have that elusive easy fix, do please read on

I have to apologize to tsu for the appearance my last post to Admin Need Help as the function has been my downfall; while apologizing for my confusion over the quote function, envying very much tsu's mastery of the Digital World

I realize the easy way to use the Quote icon is leave his thread whole within the single big hazy blue block, placing your entire answer or comments in the void below it. But then it may not be clear to which of his points each of your comments applies. So in many cases you will want to intersperse them accordingly amongst his

It's fairly easy though somewhat slow situating them within the box between his paras or points but in the original haze. There many readers will miss them, skipping to only what's below. What you wish for therefore, is to place yours in the same relation to his but yours outside the haze

While I realize it can be done by the expert exercising faultless precision at every step, each attempt I have so made has left me with an error message and so I quit trying. To do it right would require not 21 but probably 210 keystrokes, all correct and in precise order

In fact I remember a thread somewhere describing in some genuine detail how you can manipulate the [/Q....]'s within text to gain many different effects, including of course your desire to ensure you're still in stark contrast. However it took him some 3 pages of an estimated 3000 words, leaving me to speculate that he might be exercising a little facetiousness in his otherwise perfectly accurate accounting

First time you make a mistake you will get an error message which however won't tell you how to correct the situation. You may dash your PC to the floor and run screaming from your office

...until finally on FRDB somebody explained that it isn't [b]he[/b] but [b]you[/b] who belongs in the quote boxes (????) and what you have to do is (1) delete every "[/Q.....]" (I can't spell it out for fear of placing this thread in jeopardy requiring another seven hours to correct), then

(2) plough through the entire thread once more, highlighting and identifying your own commnents using the " " " icon. In a large thread this may in fact be much more difficult requiring literally hundreds if not thousands of keystrokes, especially if you have any q's within q's.

In addition it reverses any advantage you had in type size, his now being larger and out in the open where it better commands attention while of course yours is now in the hazy boxes

Mac, Bill, what have you perpetrated

tsu are you up for it or is there any hope at all

dal, none whatsoever.