Guys huzzah: After a fit of screen sucking that occupied the entire morning and two hours into the afternoon with much gnashing of teeth and repeatedly failed attempts


....although requiring 21 keystrokes to accomplish in processing it as a link; and finally it turned out that I hadn't needed the "jackie" after all because this time as I should immediately have realized from its total purpleness the initially pasted url itself was already suitable for link form and why in its first black incarnation the original url somehow popped up twice in succession

....leading however to the question,* why can't all url's everywhere be provided in linkifiable form. If most of them obviously can, why couldn't they all

Mac are you listening, where are you, why do you make it all so difficult

Which leaves me with one of the original questions, and that is, in its first incarnation within the post how would one easily recognize it as defective after pasting without first submitting the post then noting whether it was going to turn out black and useless or in the desired link form, then returning to edit the remainder

Where now if it is seen to be defective (that is, all black), as I mentioned above, I can with tsu's help then place it in the unusual link form preferred by AWAD (that is, with "jackie" link underlined in purple, followed by url in black

......which by the way, I rather like, in spite of the 21 additional keystrokes necessary to place it in that form; and in the future thanks to youall, will continue to use unless something quicker and easier comes along

*As a result of semantic shifting within my lifetime, which as you must know I often deplore, to sound modern I should have written, "... begging however the question..."
