Originally Posted By: tsuwm
dale, please refer to my reply to your latest reverse dictionary post..........and you don't need to know *anything about the length or form of the incoming URL!

Thank you tsu, yes I finally found it, copied it and stuck it up on the wall, whereupon I shall now try it using the unsuccessful url:


Of course tsu it worked just as you expected and I really appreciate your patience and I will do it this way heretofore or until I chance upon what I had originally expected, which is (1) (a) a way to tell from the looks of a url that it won't work, then (b) an easy way to modify it so that it does work, resulting not in my renamed link as above but in one similar to the appearance of original url but processed to include carriage returns and all the other necessary wherewithal in the typical link as turning blue with underline etc

... or (2) even better, a preferably iconic means of some sort available in a handy spot which would simply process the url in a single keystroke (as with the "Create a link..." icon above), curtailing it if necessary but again delivering a link with the appearance of a url

In other Web boards it's even easier. One simply pastes the url into his post (as I did originally with such untoward results) whereupon the board's software recognizes its shortcomings, automatically corrects them, and delivers he result I had hoped for without even a single keystroke on my part. Apparently AWAD's doesn't include this feature and so again I apologize for all the fuss I had created by not having realized this sooner
